
This is my place.

A place where I let it all hang out.



The Aspie and the Nudie

There is nudity up ahead, so if it might bother you, this is your warning. I tried doing a post about nudism and autism. I was going to go through all the literature and come up with some great opus... Continue Reading →

Autism and Girls

I suppose I could try to just regurgitate the article but it would be better to let the article speak for itself. In addition to how autism displays in girls, we have some interesting clues as to the genetic basis... Continue Reading →


I've been putting this off. It is too emotionally intense and there is so much I want to say, so I'm tackling this in bites. I hope some of my readers don't mind a bit of soap opera. This is... Continue Reading →

Get Naked, Go Hiking

Continuing my dearth of new blogs, I thought I'd reblog this, revised and with a few different photos - including one I just took on my visit to my childhood stomping grounds back east. It is one of my earliest... Continue Reading →

Kimi ni Todoke

This show needs more love! I am insanely depressed right now. It is 3 am and I am watching anime Kimi ni Todoke. Where was my Kazehaya? Where was my Yoshida? My Yano? My Takahashi? Or just even a Shino? I must... Continue Reading →

Aspie Life – Revised

What the hell am I? I am a Martian. I look around at these strange alien people. Their customs are a mystery to me. Their behavior defies logic. They speak and write but their most important communication is encrypted. They... Continue Reading →

The Wild Child Grows Old

From a while ago… I’m on a long solo hike. I’m without any clothing between my shoes and my hat – but the good part starts when I forget that irrelevant detail – I just exist. It becomes the default state. If… Continue Reading →

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